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super quick website lol ✨✨

in case every other social media website ends up dying or becomes entire garbage

hellooo my name is marie p., i come from france and i make 8-bit/chiptune/beep boop music. this is a very quick website i'm making as backup or as some sort of portfolio i can share with people.

My releases :

Visit my Bandcamp to listen to my work. Let’s meet at my next gig, or book me to perform at your events. I love playing live, close to home or far away ! Stay tuned, check my social media things on the sidebar.

Other musical activities : I am one of the only chiptune/8-bits show organisers in Paris, and I do my best to offer interesting and inclusive lineups. Here are some pics and videos of chiptune or chiptune-adjacent shows I worked on! I have been working hand in hand with A Bit Of Chiptune and All You Can Eat on the online chiptune + chip-adjacent show series Infinite Lives during the 2020 quarantines / lockdowns, as well as on release parties.

okay here's some music i made!!!!


i'm gonna TRY to make it as complete and up-to-date as possible lol

  • ⚠️ UPCOMING !! Paris France ⚠️
  • ⚠️ UPCOMING !! Marseille, France ⚠️
  • Stranger Bits, 18th july 2024, Panke, Berlin, Germany
  • Parole Errante Demain, 6th july 2024, Montreuil, France
  • ROM SAVE THE CHIP, 30th may 2024, le Klub, Paris, France
  • Collisions Hivernales, l'AERI, 10th march 2024, Montreuil, France
  • MAGFEST 2024, january 2024, Washington DC, USA
  • GRRRND ZERO, 19th august 2023, Lyon, France
  • IT'S MORE FUN TO COMPUTE, 11th august 2023, stockk, Paris, France
  • Chipwrecked, 20th - 22nd july 2023, Bornholm, Denmark
  • Mountainbytes, 25th february 2023, Cham, Switzerland
  • BITROT 1, 14th january 2023, Wonderville, New York City, USA
  • 8bit BOOMER MICROMUSIC, 17th december 2022, UMBO, Zürich, Switzerland
  • 8bit BOOM, 16th january 2022, Kraftfeld, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • GreHACK, 18th november 2022, Grenoble, France

thoughts about chiptune & music & chiptune music etc

don't listen to the elitists. use whatever tools you like while keeping in mind the goals and histories of the genres. artists shouldn't have to get into financial trouble to play at a show, the orga teams have to prove the artists they really want them. lineups should never be 100% male and 100% white, talent comes from everywhere.

a quick bio for you to read and for me to copy/paste lol

After stumbling upon LSDJ in 2011, then doing nothing until 2016 because of her studies, Marie started creating hard-hitting, melodic and frantic chiptune with the support of the local DIY/antifascist squat L'Ecluse from her quaint hometown of Rheims. Since relocating to Paris in 2017, she released breakout EP Zenzoo Pop and started extensively touring across Europe, becoming a mainstay in the European chip scene. In 2019, she unleashed the catchy and emphatic Do No Harm on Bytedoll Records while receiving high praise for her sets at events such as Square Sounds Melbourne (Australia), Chipwrecked (Denmark), Gleeetch Me Hard + 8bit Breakdown (Germany), I/O (New York City), Hyperwave x µcollective (England)... She is also very active beyond the scenes in the French chip scene, booking local and international acts in Paris with the help of the All You Can Eat collective. (bio written by S.Chibikh)